divendres, 20 de maig del 2011

Summer Camp Webquest

Summer Camp Webquest

1st A- DATES                                                      

20th May - Step 1, Step 2
26th May - Step 2, Step 3
27th May - Step 3
1st June - Step 3, Step 4
2nd June - Step 5

3rd June - Oral presentations

1st D- DATES
24th May - Step 1, Step 2
26th May - Step 2, Step 3
27th May - Step 3
31st May- Step 3, Step 4
2nd June - Step 5

3rd June - Oral presentations
3rd June - Oral presentations

dijous, 12 de maig del 2011

Choose a song

I want to listen to a song in class and I don't know which one. Can you help me, please?
Write a comment with the title and the singer of the song and we will listen to the winner in class.

Thanks for your help, dear students